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Little-Known Facts About Your Heart Health

We all know quite a bit about the vital organ that pumps blood through our bodies every day. We know that our heart is crucial to our survival and the importance of keeping it healthy through diet and exercise, but there may be a few interesting pieces of information you didn’t know about your heart and how it can affect your overall health.

Here are some tips you may not know about your heart:
Heart Attack Symptoms Differ: Women may experience symptoms like shortness of breath, nausea and back or jaw pain more frequently than chest pain.

Oral Health and Heart Health: Poor oral health, including gum disease, is linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Cold Weather Impact: Cold weather can constrict blood vessels, increasing strain on the heart.

Emotional Health Matters: Chronic stress and depression can contribute to heart disease.

The Heart Can Repair Itself: The heart has some regenerative capacity, especially after injury.

Laughter is Heart Healthy: Laughter is associated with improved blood vessel function and blood flow.

Sleep Quality Affects Heart Health: Poor sleep patterns or insufficient sleep can increase the risk of heart disease.

Positive Social Connections: Strong social connections are linked to better heart health.

Heartburn and Heart Attack: Severe heartburn and a heart attack can have similar symptoms; seek medical attention if in doubt.