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Medical Weight Loss

In a study released in 2022, it was found that more than 1 billion people worldwide are now living with obesity. According to the World Health Organization, obesity has more than doubled among adults since 1990 and has quadrupled among children and adolescents. Obesity can also lead to health complications, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Medical weight loss is a nonsurgical treatment option that can be beneficial to some patients. These programs offer a structured, supervised approach to achieving and maintaining weight loss goals.

Unlike fad diets and quick fixes, medical weight loss programs are supported by evidence-based medicine and therapy to help provide the best results in long-term weight loss. They aim to address the root cause of obesity and provide ongoing patient support.

At Wood County Hospital, our Center For Weight Loss offers the START program. START stands for Support, Total Body & Mind, Assessment, Ready and Transformation. This comprehensive program is tailored to help individuals achieve their weight loss goals without surgery.

Here’s a breakdown of START:

Support: Dr. Peter Lalor and his team of caring professionals develop an individualized plan to support your physical and mental health.

Total Body & Mind: This program takes a total-body health approach by addressing weight-related medical problems, using anti-obesity medications and combining this with nutrition, exercise and behavioral therapy.

Assessment: There are multiple factors that get in the way of weight loss. Our program will thoroughly evaluate your medical, physical and behavioral challenges and personalize a plan to maximize your health and weight loss.

Ready: Weight loss doesn’t begin in the gym with the dumbbell. It starts in your head with a decision. If you are ready to change in a combination with diet, exercise, medical and behavioral therapy, this program will result in a positive outcome for weight loss and improved health.

Transformation: This program will help empower you to transform your life.

On average, patients have lost between 5-10% of their body weight over six months. This significant weight loss contributes to long-term health improvements and helps patients reach their weight loss goals. Our weight loss center understands the difficulties that come with losing weight, and we offer a comprehensive program to give you the best chance to succeed at meeting your goals.