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Simple Stress-Relief Tips for College Students

College can be an exciting experience, offering new friendships, independence and the chance to discover yourself as you step into adulthood. Yet, this excitement can also bring significant stress. Balancing newfound freedom, demanding academic work and extracurricular activities can be overwhelming. It's crucial to prioritize your physical and mental well-being during this period, even if finding the time is challenging.

Below are some college budget and time-friendly ways to help manage stress: 

Go on a walk. Not only is walking great for your physical health, but it can also positively influence your central nervous response system, allowing you to calm your nerves and reduce stress. Try walking three days a week for 10-30 minutes.

Schedule time to hang out with your friends. It can be easy to lock yourself up in your dorm when working on assignments or studying, but make sure you are making time to see your friends outside of class and extracurriculars.

Cultivate a healthy sleep schedule. Establishing a sleep routine of 7-9 hours of good sleep per night will help promote relaxation, improve mood and reduce stress levels. Our bodies need time to reset after each day; make sure you're allowing yourself the time to do that.

Journal: Keeping a journal can be a valuable way to process your emotions and manage stress. Set aside a few minutes each day to write about what's bothering you, which can help you gain perspective and assess the situation more clearly. If writing isn't your thing, consider recording a voice memo instead. 

Try Yoga:
Yoga offers a wonderful way to connect with your body and enhance your breathing. Whether you practice alone or invite friends to join, it can be a refreshing break from stress.

Watch Your Favorite Movie or TV Show: Give yourself a break from stress by indulging in your favorite movies or TV shows. Sometimes, a little escapism can be just what you need to relax and recharge.

Not every solution may work for you, but it's worth trying to see what makes a difference. If you continue to feel stressed, therapy can be a great resource. Falcon Health Center provides counseling services for individuals of all ages to address various mental health issues and disorders. For more information, call 419-728-0601 or visit https://falconhealth.org/services/psychological-services/.