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Our Foundation

Every gift makes a difference.

Wood County Hospital Guild

Wood County Hospital Guild image

Established in 1954, the Wood County Hospital Guild exists to promote and advance the welfare of WCH, its patients and the staff.  

Guild members provide their time and talent to volunteer as needed to help make visits to WCH less stressful and to assist the staff in providing services.  

The Guild also helps WCH by sponsoring activities to raise funds for needed equipment, renovations and expansion of WCH facilities and patient education, health and safety. 

Over the years, the Guild has given gifts to WCH in excess of one million dollars. The Guild sponsored the Women's Center with a $150,000 gift, unveiled a new Chapel and gifted the Maurer Family Cancer Care Center $100,000. In 2023, the Guild completed its two-year commitment to the OB Department and the Ready Program, a kindergarten readiness program for children with autism.  

In the community, the Guild supports the Lifeline emergency response system for people who live alone and a diabetes education program. Often, the Guild provides wanted and needed equipment for specific departments.   

For example, the emergency department has received heart monitors, EKG equipment, blood pressure monitors, a VCT and tapes, and a crash cart. The obstetrics department has benefited from the purchase of birthing beds, blood pressure monitors, a renovation of the nursery, a warming blanket and rockers. The Guild helped furnish a newly renovated space at The Ready Program that included tables, chairs, storage shelving, iPads and exercise mats.  

The Guild is proud of its efforts and wants to continue by adding new members. Please consider a membership in the Guild that will allow you to give back to your community! New members are welcome any time of the year!  

Events and Activities 

The Guild hosts many events that offer wonderful opportunities for volunteering and meeting fellow members. In the Spring, the Guild hosts the Spring Luncheon and a Flower Sale. Hops & Vines takes center stage every Fall as the largest fundraiser of the year and a close second is the Purse Extravaganza in the spring. The Holiday Luncheon in December wraps up the year with a basket raffle, musical guest performance and sweet treats.  

Join the Guild 

If you would like to become a member of the Wood County Hospital Guild or for more information, contact Laurie Newlove, Director of Volunteers and Events, at 419-354-8942 or newlovel@woodcountyhospital.org 

2023-2024 Committee Members 


Judy Hudson 


1st Vice President: 

Cathy Horger 


2nd Vice Presidents: 

Barbara Sanchez 


Michelle Maurer  


Recording Secretary: 

Karen Johnson 


Corresponding Secretary: 

Jane Schimpf 


Past President: 

Susan Winters 
